What is Biote Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Pellet therapy uses hormones derived to replicate the body's normal hormonal levels. Patients have found that bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with pellet implants is extremely effective. Implants, placed under the skin, consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones that provide optimal therapy.
Unlike oral and transdermal forms of therapy — which produce "roller coaster" hormone levels, resulting in mood and energy fluctuations for the patient — the Biote® Medical Method using bio-identical hormone pellet therapy is the only delivery method of hormone therapy that provides sustained hormone levels throughout the day for up to three to five months without any "roller coaster" effect.

  • Studies show pellets are one of the most effective ways to deliver hormones in both men and women. To create hormone pellets, a compounding pharmacist fuses estrogen or testosterone into small cylinders.These pellets, some of which are smaller than a grain of rice, are placed in the fatty tissue beneath the skin and most closely mimic the actions of healthy ovaries and testicles with regard to hormone release into the bloodstream. The hormone pellet implantation is an easily performed office procedure.

  • Proper hormone levels are determined by the BioTE® comprehensive bloodwork analysis. Unique dosing is generated for each individual patient, so dosing is customized for what your body needs. Pellets deliver bio-identical hormones directly into the bloodstream 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to 5 months. Pills, patches, creams, and shots cannot provide a steady delivery of hormones 24/7. Pellets provide a constant supply of hormones that your body recognizes, which significantly reduces the chance of adverse side effects.

  • You may benefit from BioTE® hormone therapy if you experience any of the following symptoms due to menopause, perimenopause, or andropause:

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Weight gain

    • Mood swings

    • Low sex drive

    • Memory loss, mental fog, confusion

    • Decreased muscle strength

    • Irritability, mood swings

    • Extreme fatigue

    • Difficulty sleeping

    • Migraines

    • Joint aches and pain

    • Night sweats, hot flashes

    • Bladder symptoms

    BioTE® Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy has been shown in research studies to:

    • Reduce the risk of diabetes

    • Reduce the risk of heart disease

    • Prevent and/ or improve bone mineral loss (Osteoporosis)

    • Prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

    • Increase energy

    • Increase libido

    • Increase lean muscle & bone mass

    • Assist in the loss of belly Fat

    • Provide for a general sense of well being

    • Much more



Are you a candidate for natural hormone balancing?  Would you like to improve your life, health, and sense of well-being? Would you like to change & regain your life?
We would like to invite you to learn more about Biote® Medical hormone therapy.  Call our office to schedule a consultation and screening.

Tens of thousands of women and men nationwide have regained their lives with Biote® Hormone Balancing & Restoration Therapy.  How about You?